John Wagner
Ben Kehoe’s book Innovation in Australia is a great read. In fact, it is the first book I have read on Australian Innovation.
Australia is competing globally, and we need an environment nurtured by all levels of government to position us a continuing serious player. The option does not bear thinking about!
He has in simple terms named many of the challenges and problems with the Australian business culture.
What Australia needs is leaders (business and political) with foresight and guts – not leaders looking for a comfortable ride sponsored by someone else!
Politicians and business leader’s need to nurture a purpose and passion for the Australian nation rather than spending time on doing deals with mates and bagging each other.
He suggests a number of ideas worth considering including a Prosperity Commission and a genuine National Infrastructure strategy with major multigenerational initiatives announced each election term. I commend it to you.
John Wagner Chairman, Wagner Corporation
(Builder of the first major airport in Australia in 50 years)